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Of Pastors and Car Salesmen

"For we are not peddlers of God's word like so many; but in Christ we speak as persons of sincerity, as persons sent from God and standing in his presence."

(2 Corinthians 2:17)

I am not a saleman. Once I had a job working for Hawaii Vinyl Supply as a telemarketer. It didn't go well. I was the kind of parent who'd rather buy my kids' entire box of chocolates and give them away, instead of asking friends and coworkers to buy them. And yet, so much of this world revolves around sales.

I'm not a "car guy," either. The few times I've been in the market for a new (or used) car, I tend to DREAD going - because of the car salespeople (usually men). I assume they're all trying to oversell me and get me to pay more than I should. So I over-prepare and analyze and know exactly what I want ahead of time - and what a reasonable price should be. My wife like stop go, look around, test drive a few cars, talk to the salespeople, and just explore. Not me. I'm too worried someone is going to try and manipulate me.

In his second letter to the church in Corinth, Paul acknowledges some (many?) feel this way about church leaders. "Peddlers of God's word" he calls them. Some Church leaders may push the "hard sell" on Jesus (or faith or repentance, etc.)... or even on making financial gifts to the church. But I think Paul was more commenting on those leaders (clergy?) who try to forcefully manipulate people into believing. Or at least many people may come to church with the same hesitancy and trepidation that I bring to a car lot. And that's not good.

Paul testifies that he's a "person of sincerity." Not a "peddler of God's word." That's what I strive for. I hate manipulation. God's story is so powerful, though, that it doesn't need to use manipulation (ultimately, that's what makes a good care salesperson... s/he believes so much in their cars, they don't have to twist/turn/manipulate the customers).

So may I be careful and intention about the words I use in my sermons... the way I lead as a pastor... and what I say to my people throughout the week. I want to be a person of sincerity for the Lord.

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