Between Heaven & Hell
"(Abraham) said to them, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead."
(Luke 16:31)
There's a story about Lazarus in the Bible - but it's not the story you're probably thinking about. It's a parable that Jesus told, not the good friend of his (Mary & Martha's brother) whom he raised from the dead.
The story centers around Lazarus, a poor man who "lived" (stayed) outside the home of a very rich man. The rich man wore fine clothes and ate well every day. Lazarus lay outside at his front gate, but never received even a crumb from the rich man. Eventually, both died. Lazarus went to Heaven. The rich man found a reservation with his name on it in Hell. At one point calls out to "Father Abraham" up in Heaven for mercy and help. Abe tells him he has had his chance for fine things and help while on earth. But because of his selfish lifestyle, that's not possible now in the afterlife. On the other hand, Lazarus is receiving mercy for eternity. When the rich man's request for Lazarus to come to his aid now is rebuffed, the rich man asks that Lazarus be sent to warn his family of the perils of self-centeredness. "They have Moses and the prophets," says Abe. Which means, they have the Scriptures to warn them. "No," says the man, "if someone comes back from the dead, that will make a bigger impact!" Abraham concludes by saying that if they won't listen to Moses & the prophets, they probably won't listen to someone coming back from the dead.
Oftentimes, we hear stories from the Bible and say to ourselves, "They had it so well back then! What I wouldn't give for a divine encounter like in the Bible days!?!" And I truly believe God still moves in a variety of (mysterious) ways. However, one of the greatest resources we have is the Bible. God can speak to us in so many ways if we take the time to read it, reflect on it, and apply it to our lives. That's why Scripture Journaling has become such a powerful part of my spiritual journey. May it be so with you, too.