Getting on God's nerves.
"Be silent, all people, before the LORD; for he has roused himself from his holy dwelling."
(Zechariah 2:13)
I havne't been to a whole lot of concerts... but one of the things I notice immediately afterwards is my hearing. The loud, constant music has a huge impact on my ears. Sometimes my ears have a "ringing" sound in them. Other times it's more like a dullness or a muting with my hearing in general.
I wonder if God ever gets that way after listening to us? Granted, he probably doesn't have ears like us humans... but does our constant chatter/grumbling/pleading/whining ever get on God's nerves? Sure, God loves to have us come to him (just like parents love interacting with their own children)... but I wonder if sometimes God wants to scream, 'Will you all just please be quiet for one moment?!?!'
Maybe that's why Zechariah wrote, "Be silent, all people, before the LORD" (Zech 2:13). Yes God loves us deeply, but maybe, just maybe, our talking, multi-tasking, audio-filled days leave something to be desired. Maybe God wants to speak to us in the silence and stillness of our day?
So be silent... Jim.