No Taunting
{NOTE: This was penned days before the election.}
"For thus says the LORD GOD: 'Because you have clapped your hands and stamped your feet and rejoiced with all the malice within you against the land of Israel, therefore I have stretched out my hand against you, and will hand you over as plunder to the nations.'"
(Ezekiel 25:6-7a)
Intimidation. Taunting. Trash-talking. Satirical signs. This happens all the time at sporting events. Fans will do anything they can to "get into the heads" of opponents. Unless you're related to any of the players, it's amusing to watch (as long as done in good taste). Usually.
But we Americans have taken it to other levels - including this current presidential election. So much of today's society and culture has taken on an "us vs them" component. We rejoice and celebrate whenever "they" have something bad happen. That's not good. Nor is it healthy.
It's also not new. The prophet Ezekiel was given a message by God to the Ammonites: because they rejoiced, whooped and hollered when Israel went through difficult times, God was going to allow other nations to overtake them. I'd like to think the same chastisement would've come to Israel, if they had rejoiced in another nations' downfall. The bottom line in this passage is clear: don't celebrate another's misfortune. Have compassion - even for your enemies. Be gracious, as God is gracious to us. This should be in effect in politics (elections!), religion, sports, business, entertainment... heck, just about everywhere! Don't celebrate anyone else's problems. Period.