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The One Who is Awesome!

"Make vows to the LORD your God, and perform them; let all who are around him bring gifts tot he knew ho is awesome, who cuts off the spirit of princes, who inspires fear int he kings of the earth."

(Psalm 76:11-12)

'Awesome' seems like such a modern word. "Dude, that's totally awesome!!!" But it does, at its core, mean 'to be filled with awe.' So it should be of no surprise that the Pslams speak of God as awesome. In fact, one of my favorite Rich Mullins songs is "Awesome God."

But today while reading Psalm 76, I was caught off guard by v.11, referring to God as "the one who is awesome." Something about the phrasing struck a chord with me. It's a bit more "formal" (?) than simply saying "God is awesome."

How am I giving my honor and glory to the One Who is Awesome? How am I being intentional about spending time every day with the One Who is Awesome? Am I constantly aware of the One Who is Awesome, and the many ways He blesses my life?!?

May it be so. Every day. AMEN.

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