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The Other Side

"After this, Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee..."

(John 6:1)

Jesus traveled. A lot. People followed him. A lot. I'm not sure if he had a "master plan" for his travels (a "Jesus itinerary"), or if he played it more by ear and went where the Spirit lead. But here, in John 6, Jesus decided to go to "the other side" of the Sea of Galilee/Tiberius. Did he know he'd be needed there? Was he overwhelmed by the people at his first location? Hd he done all he could already? Or was he simply feeling restless? Moving and change is hard. And yet, Jesus rarely stayed in the same place very long. I wonder why?

Well, the first personal connection for me to this story might be that 14 months ago, God called me "to the other side" of the Pacific Ocean. I sure wasn't expecting it (or thought I need to go prior to be called to Palmdale UMC)... but it has been a marvelous transition!

On a deeper level, though, I think there's a message here about movement in my life. Not necessarily physical moving (like the HI -> CA), but not being content to "stay where you are," spiritually. God calls us to keep moving and growing, constantly. It's often when we move into something new (outside of our comfort zones) that God uses that to bring us closer to Him. I need to keep reading, Journaling, connecting with parishioners, and opening myself up to new experiences (like Readiness 360+!), rather than stick to the "routine" I've come to establish here at PUMC.

PRAYER: Sometimes, God, I'm worried about having enough energy to do everything you've called me to. So I stick with what I know and how I've settled into a routine. Help me to take more risks - to do new things - trusting you have new wisdom and insight for me... and you will help me get everything done that needs to be. AMEN!

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