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That's NOT our job!

"I hav been very zealous for the LORD, the God of Hosts; for the Israelites have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword. I alone am left, and they are seeking my life, to take it away."

(1 Kings 19:10)

Elijah was a great prophet - in the midst of a great story! The people of Israel had fallen away from their devotion to God. Part of the problem was the leadership of their kings: men who cared more for their own agendas than being faithful to God. So God raised up Elijah at just the right time. And then came 3 years of drought... a food and water miracle at a widow's house in Zeraphath (with a back-from-the-dead raising thrown in for good measure!)... a run-in with Obadiah, 2nd in command to the king... followed by an incredible showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal atop Mt. Carmel (involving fire, water, and a lot of bull!). When the rains finally came, Elijah had to flee for his life, 'cuz the king's wife (Jezebel) wanted him dead.

When God met up with Elijah 40+ days later, he'd been hiding out in the wilderness. Unfortunately, his "vim & vigor" and passion had been replaced with fear and loathing... and he was upset that God hadn't done more to protect him. "I'm the only faithful one left," he said to God, when they met again.

Um... wrong.

God told him there were still 7,000 who hadn't bowed down to the foreign god, Ba'al. SEVEN THOUSAND?!?!? Elijah was sure out of touch, wasn't he?!? Sometimes, in the midst of our calling in life, we get it in our hearts that we're the only ones who are truly faithful, or doing significant ministry. WE allow theological difference,s doctrinal regulations, and others' personal decisions to influence our thoughts and feelings about their "faithfulness." But it's not our job to judge others and their faithfulness (or lack thereof).

God had Elijah pick up a sidekick (Elisha) who would eventually take over the "prophetting" job. In the meantime, Elijah was reminded that he may not have the pipeline to solitary faithfulness that the thought he did.

May my heart never think so narrowly. AMEN.

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