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Setting My Heart

"Rehoboam was 41 years old when he began to reign; he reigned 17 years in Jerusalem... He did evil, for he did not set his heart to seek the LORD."

(2 Chronicles 12:13-14)

When it comes to the Kings of Israel, there's the "Big 3": Saul, David & Solomon... and then everybody else. Actually, after Solomon, the Kingdom split in two, so there were Kings of Israel and Kings of Judah. The books I,II Kings and I,II Chronicles list the various kings. Most of them are not only "not memorable," but they "did what was evil in the sight of the LORD."

Today when I was reading, I came across Rehoboam. When he first became king, he started strong... wisdom, humility, and reverence. But then we get to 2 Chronicles 12:1... "When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he grew strong, he abandoned the law of the LORD, and he and all Israel with him." Ouch. At the end of the chapter, we're told (at the culmination of his 17-year reign) that he did evil, "for he did not set his heart to seek the Lord" (v.14).

Wow. The writer could have listed any number of misdeeds and signs, but instead chose to note that Rehoboam didn't set his heart on seeking God. Wow. Of course, that immediately caused me to ask myself if I have intentionally set my heart to seek the Lord? Or am I content to simply get by on whatever "spiritual capital" I've already stored up in the past... and go into "auto-drive" mode, when it comes to my faith journey? It's not enough to "not do bad." If I am not intentionally seeking out God, I'm not only missing something very important... but as a church leader, I would be walking in the path of evil. Wow.

So how can I intentionally seek God with my heart? Worship. Regularly. And since I'm 'paid to worship,' am I actually worshipping when I'm in church, or just leading others in worship? Also, reading Scripture regularly. And journaling. And doing extra reading. And connecting with my staff and others about what God is doing in my life. And connecting with God in prayer. And in nature. And in music. There are a LOT of ways I can be intentional about setting my heart to seek the LORD.

So may it be with me... AMEN.

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