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Live in Love

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

(Ephesians 5:1-2)

It has been a crazy past few months... not just here in the United States, but all over the world. So much death, violence, bloodshed, evil, etc. At times, the evening news looks more like coming attractions at the movies (and not the "family friendly" kind of shows, either!). It's easy to feel discouraged, despondent, and dejected.

And yet, as Christians, we are called to be different. We are called to respond to evil with love, grace, and reconciliation. on our own, it is very hard (especially when our emotions take over). But we have the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives! We have God's presence with us to enable and empower us to stand against all that's wrong in the world and respond differently. We're called to love.

"Live in love," is what Paul says... as "imitators of God." Jesus is our example. We're to look at his life of reconciliation and peace... his willingness to reach out with compassion and service to the world around him. It even took him to the cross - bathed in love, not hate.

It's a difficult and painful world we live in now. But we can be different. WE can live in love. God will help us. And we can, in turn, help change the world.

"Lord, help me to live in love in my own family, church, community, country, and world. Help my words to be uplifting, not damaging. Inspire me to put others' needs ahead of my own. Empower me to live in such a way that others will see you and your grace. AMEN."

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