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"And give my son Solomon an uncluttered and focused heart so that he can obey what you command, live by your directions and counsel, and carry through with building the temple for which I have provided."

(1 Chronicles 29:19)

King David is nearing the end of his life. He's chosen his son Solomon to be his successor (note: Solomon wasn't the oldest living son at that time, so it caused a bit of a stir!). He finishes his reign with a lengthy prayer to God - for the people, and for Solomon. I love how David finishes his prayer: asking for an "uncluttered and focused heart" for his son, the new king.

Those words (from The Message Bible translation) speak volumes! There are so many things that "clutter" our hearts. Things we think we want/need... passions we're pursuing... political musings... worldly events... family drama... hopes and dreams we have for ourselves. These aren't necessarily bad, per se... but if they become our primary focus in life, then it just "clutters" up our hearts.

I think David's prayer for Solomon, to have a "focused heart," meant to put God first and foremost. Now granted, David really wanted Solomon to build God a house (aka Temple). David saw that as an extension of Solomon's devotion to the LORD. Nevertheless, it's a point well taken! Put the first things first, Solomon... and everything else will fall into place.

Even as an ordained minister whose "job" it is to help people focus on and connect with God, I have a "cluttered and unfocused" heart at times. It's so easy to get distracted, worried, or off-track by spending copious amounts of energy focusing on things other than what God may be directing for my life. God genuinely cares about all aspects of my life, of course... but if I don't put Him first, those "other aspects" tend to take over.

So give me an "uncluttered and focused heart," O God. And give my children and wife the same. In fact, give that to the entire congregation of the church you have called me to serve! AMEN.

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