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Something Greater

"I tell you, something greater than the temple is here."

(Matthew 12:6)

Jesus faced constant scrutiny (and criticism) by the religious leaders - especially the Pharisees. They were folk who believed God would send the Messiah if all of Israel kept the Law for just one day. It's a great goal to aspire to, of course... but the Pharisees took it to extremes. They became the self-professed "watchdogs" for all of Israel's "Torah-compliance." What started as a good goal (keeping the law), turned oppressive as they imposed many more restrictions and regulations than Scripture. They openly condemned and shamed many along the way.

Jesus and his disciples were walking through grain fields one day and the disciples picked grain to eat, due to hunger. The all-seeing Pharisees jumped on the chance to call out and condemn Jesus for allowing this obvious rule violation to stand. Jesus cited the story of David & Co. eating the sacred bread when they were in a similar situation. And then he dropped this on them: "I tell you, something greater than the temple is here."

Of course, Jesus was referring to himself. The in-breaking of the Kingdom of God in their midst! But the Pharisees were so focused on rule-keeping (and their interpretation of the rules) that they missed seeing the Messiah was already among them. The very goal they were working towards had already happened - and the Pharisees couldn't see it!

That's what happens, sometimes... when we get so caught up in "upholding the rules" (especially CHURCH RULES!) - we sometimes miss how God is attempting to break-in to our lives and world, and bring His Kingdom (often in new & unexpected ways!). One of the hot-button topics right now in many denominations is human sexuality. We all have such strong opinions and feelings about that topic. I wonder if Jesus might be calling us to see that "something greater than the temple (the church, the bible, church tradition, etc.) is here"?!? It sounds blasphemous, I know... but it probably sounded that way to the Pharisees some 2,000+ years ago.

Give me eyes to see and ears to hear, O God. AMEN.

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