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Hold Fast

"So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by our letter."

(2 Thessalonians 2:15)

One of the traditions I grew up with was being connected to church. From as young as I can remember, church was a part of our family's life. Not just "going to church" (the actual act of sitting in a sanctuary on Sunday), but being involved and connected to a faith community - in all its joys and messiness. Sunday School, Bible Study, Small Groups, Church Camp, Youth Group, Young Adult group, etc. Oh yah, and service projects, mission trips, Vacation Bible School, the list could go on and on.

As a pastor, I've continued that tradition, of course (lol)! Jody and I raised our children to be actively involved in church all their lives. Now, both of them are in college (well, Ezra just graduated). Both have an on-again-off-again relationship with church. Both attend(ed) a Christian college, so chapel services have been a regular part of their weekly routines. They've both attended Sunday worship int heir school community areas, but not enough to have joined one particular church. But hey, this is their college years. They are sorting out schedules, priorities, and commitments. I get that.

My prayer for them is that as they grow, age, and mature, they'll "hold fast to the traditions" that they were taught about God. That church and Christian community will be a solid core of their lives. And as they begin to start their own families down the line, they too, will pass on that tradition to their children.

So may it be...

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